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"War is politics with bloodshed, politics is war without bloodshed."

-Mao Zedong, "On Protracted War" (May 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, pp. 152-53

John Cummins, 1948-2006

My politics:

  • Anti-Capitalism, complete abolition of private economic and political control.
  • Uphold Socialism, complete worker control over politics and the economy.
  • Combat Imperialism, inherent to capitalism.
  • Destroy the tools of the capitalist dictatorship: the parasite state, police and military.

The Part where I Elaborate

My politics are strange and confusing sometimes. Primarily I am a Marxist, and I uphold Marxism and Socialism as being superior modes of analysis to that of Liberalism or Conservatism. I believe that Capitalism necessitates the existence of two classes, worker and capitalist, and that these two classes cannot "peacefully co-exist" (as class collaborationist Liberals and Social Democrats would try to have you believe), as the existence of the capitalist class requires the exploitation of the working class.

I generally support things like Revolutionary Black Nationalism (more on that later), Black Separatism (ditto), elements of Maoist and Anarchist doctrine, and Anti-Work. Consistency? What's that? Sounds like a Revisionist narrative.

Revolutionary Black Nationalism and Black Separatism entail the development and protection of the New Afrikan/Black nation, and its settling in the claimed national territory of New Afrika. Claims of "ethnostates" on the part of pro-Settler State reactionaries and "Leftists" is just a half baked attempt at denying sovereignty to an oppressed nationality which desires independence from the state that is oppressing them (America).

The elimination of Capitalism+Imperialism requires the complete dismantling of bourgeois states, and for the full seizure of politics and the economy by the Masses.

Red Eureka is a cooler symbol than the original Blue (see above) so I have de-facto adopted it as my official symbol. It's also a historic thing, members of the Red Eureka movement centered their symbolism around the Red Eureka Flag.

The Red Eureka Flag

The Rebel, a publication of the Red Eureka Movement (REM)